Turning and milling 3,4,5-axis

The CNC metalworking machines at Vodenicharov & Son offer large capacity for turning and milling on precise details with small and medium size, with world class accuracy.

Using multi-axis technology and highly qualified personnel technicians, you will find that, milling, drilling, threading, processing deep holes and production of complex details are performed at expert levels.

Bata shoes
CNC turning

''Don't say it can't be done,rather say, you do not know how to do it yet.''

~ Tomáš Baťa

With these words,the great entrepeneur Tomáš Baťa replied to his designers,when they told him that the new company shoe model that couldn’t be produced.

I can safely say, that the same rules apply to shoes and metalworking – the rules of experience,professionalism and precision. Rules, which are the dividing line between the successful and unsuccessful creation of a given product.


V&S machines can process carbon steel, aluminum alloys, stainless steels, industrial plastics, copper, brass, wood and graphite.

We understand the industry’s need for quality and precise details. Our processing and control methods maintain higher accuracy than standard ones. All of our machines are equipped with the Intuitive Prome System, which guarantees absolutely precise milling. Thanks to them, the difference between the instrument lengths is 1-2 microns.


Vertical 3-axial machining center


Vertical 4-axis machining center, with rotary and indexing mass, high spindle pressure and high-speed cycles


5-axis indexing machining center

All machines are equipped with sensors for measuring tool lengths and touch samples to determine the zero point of the parts.

''If the lathes stop spinning the world will stop.''
- Kiichiro Toyoda

Our machines

At V&S we have a wide range of machines capable of providing you with the machining needed for your short-term and long-term needs. Ensuring consistent and high quality of your details is the number one priority for our team.

The energy of our team is focused on offering you the complete service – from the creation of a prototype to the introduction of details in series production.

In our work we use the latest technologies in the field of CNC milling:

  • high-end manufacturing
  • high-speed milling
  • lights out manufacturing
  • online monitoring
  • intelligent tool and workholding

For your needs, we have powerful SAM software, with full support of all our milling and turning machines, with the ability to generate programs for full 5-axis machining.

The others for us

Our clients appreciate us excellently!

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Милена Налбантова
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